
This interactive dashboard has been designed to share survey outcomes with stakeholders, including the HVAC&R industry, and more broadly across the commercial property sector.


There are numerous stakeholders involved in the repair and maintenance of HVAC&R systems in Australian mid-tier commercial office buildings. Section 1 looks at what HVAC&R sector looks like, by role type. It characterises the workforce responsible for managing and maintaining the mid-tier buildings by providing insights into who works in the sector, where the work of HVAC&R is carried out and the influence of workload and relationships.


Geography is a key variable in analysing how building stock, regulatory regimes, climatic zones, and urban and regional contexts come together to shape the provision of HVAC&R across Australia. Section 2 looks at differences in tenant structure, equipment configurations, proportion of buildings with a functional BMS and the upgrade status of HVAC systems, by state and territory.


Section 3 looks more closely at the breakdown of tenant structure within different geographical contexts – such as CBD, suburban and regional locations – by state across Australia.


Section 4 looks at the different routines of HVAC&R management, repair and maintenance work. It includes information emerging from questions about maintenance activities, reasons for callouts, commonly encountered fault types, key factors when replacing or repairing components, and the types of documentation systems used.


There are many known barriers to good repair and maintenance of HVAC&R, which have a bearing on how the sector can achieve better maintained, more efficient buildings. Section 5 sheds light on the barriers encountered when carrying out work on mid-tier commercial office buildings, by role type. The barriers covered issues such as disruption, budget, documentation, limitations of existing kit and building materiality, lack of time and interest on the part of owners.