Section 2 – Data by State

Understanding how the building stock varies geographically is important because it can help to target specific challenges in different regions across Australia.

One of the challenges of the diverse mid-tier office building sector is understanding how buildings are configured internally. This section reports on how participants understand the mid-tier office buildings they work on, organising this data by state.

2.1 Tenant structure

The number of tenants in an office building has a significant impact on how building services upgrades are planned for and carried out. The risk of disruption to tenants is a barrier to upgrading HVAC equipment, and this becomes more complex when multiple tenants are involved.


Click across the tabs to view the breakdown of different tenancy types by state.

2.2 Equipment

The building repair and maintenance workforce is well positioned to identify common equipment configurations in mid-tier office buildings. Participants were asked to identify what proportion of their workload related to three different equipment types installed in the buildings they worked on: central plant and systems, split-systems, and a mix of the two.


Click across the tabs to view the breakdown of different tenancy types by state.

2.3 Functional Building Management System (BMS)

A functional building management system (BMS) provides the building owner, facilities manager and contractors with a higher degree of control and monitoring capability over building systems, including HVAC, lighting and equipment power.

Section 2.4 HVAC upgrade status

Mid-tier office buildings are dominated by older and under-performing HVAC systems. Data on the upgrade status of HVAC systems suggests the scale of the opportunity to achieve better building energy performance.